So "Your Friend" is Developing a Marketing Plan, What Should They Include?

So “your friend” is developing a marketing plan for their new business. What should they put in their plan?

Marketing is an essential aspect of any business, big or small. It's the way to get your products or services in front of potential customers, to build brand awareness, and to generate sales. If “your friend” is starting a new business, they need to have a solid marketing plan in place. In this article, we will discuss the key elements that “your friend” should include in their marketing plan.

First, “your friend” needs to identify their target market. Who are they trying to sell to? This is an essential step because it will guide all the other decisions that “your friend” makes regarding their marketing strategy. “Your friend” should create a customer profile that includes demographics like age, gender, income, and location. They should also consider psychographic factors such as interests, values, and lifestyle choices. This information will help your friend understand their customers' needs and wants and develop marketing messages that resonate with them.

The second element of “your friend’s” marketing plan is the Unique Selling Proposition (USP). This is what sets “your friend's” business apart from its competitors. “Your friend” needs to identify what makes their product or service unique, what benefits it provides to customers, and why customers should choose their business over others. “Your friend's” USP should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. They should use it in all their marketing materials, including their website, social media posts, and advertising campaigns.

The third element of “your friend's” marketing plan is the marketing mix. This is the combination of tactics “your friend” will use to promote their business. The marketing mix includes the four Ps: product, price, promotion, and place.

Product: “Your friend” needs to ensure their product or service is of high quality, meets customer needs, and is priced appropriately.

Price: “Your friend” needs to determine their pricing strategy, whether they will price their product or service competitively, premium pricing or cost-based pricing.

Promotion: This is how “your friend” will communicate their marketing messages to their target audience. “Your friend” should determine the best marketing channels to reach their customers, such as social media, email marketing, print advertising, or events.

Place: This is where “your friend” will sell their product or service. They should consider whether they will sell online, in a physical store, or both.

The fourth element of “your friend's” marketing plan is the budget. “Your friend” needs to determine how much money they can allocate to their marketing efforts. “Your friend” should consider the costs associated with each marketing tactic they plan to use, such as graphic design, printing, advertising, or event planning. It is also essential to keep in mind that it may take time for the marketing efforts to generate the expected return on investment.

The fifth element of “your friend's” marketing plan is the marketing calendar. This is a schedule that outlines when “your friend” will execute each marketing tactic. “Your friend” should consider the timing of each tactic to ensure that they align with seasonal trends, promotions, or other events. “Your friend” should also set goals for each tactic and track their progress.

The sixth element of “your friend's” marketing plan is the evaluation and monitoring of marketing efforts. This is where “your friend” will measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. “Your friend” should determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to track, such as website traffic, sales, leads, or social media engagement. “Your friend” should also set benchmarks to measure progress against. This information will help “your friend” adjust their marketing efforts to ensure they are achieving their goals.

The seventh element of “your friend's” marketing plan is the contingency plan. This is a plan in case of unexpected events that can affect their marketing efforts, such as a global pandemic, a natural disaster, or a change in the market. “Your friend” should have a backup plan that allows them to pivot their marketing efforts quickly.

Now that we've covered the key elements of a marketing plan, let's dive deeper into each element and discuss why it's essential for your friend's new business.

Identify the Target Market

Identifying the target market is the first step in creating a successful marketing plan. Without a clear understanding of who the customers are, it's challenging to develop effective marketing messages that resonate with them. By creating a customer profile, your friend can identify the demographics, psychographics, and behaviors of their target market.

Demographics include factors such as age, gender, income, and location. Psychographics include factors such as interests, values, and lifestyle choices. By combining these two sets of data, your friend can create a more accurate customer profile and understand their customers' needs and wants.

Your friend can gather this information through market research, surveys, and customer feedback. The more data your friend collects, the better they can target their marketing efforts to their customers' preferences.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets your friend's business apart from its competitors. It's what makes their product or service unique, and it's the reason customers should choose their business over others.

Your friend's USP should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should be included in all their marketing materials, such as their website, social media posts, and advertising campaigns. Your friend should communicate the benefits of their product or service and how it solves their customers' problems.

The USP is what makes your friend's business memorable and compelling to customers. It's what differentiates their business from others in the market.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is the combination of tactics your friend will use to promote their business. It includes the four Ps: product, price, promotion, and place.

Product: Your friend needs to ensure their product or service is of high quality, meets customer needs, and is priced appropriately. Your friend should gather feedback from customers to improve their product or service and ensure it meets their needs.

Price: Your friend needs to determine their pricing strategy, whether they will price their product or service competitively, premium pricing or cost-based pricing. The price should reflect the value of the product or service and be aligned with the target market's expectations.

Promotion: This is how your friend will communicate their marketing messages to their target audience. Your friend should determine the best marketing channels to reach their customers, such as social media, email marketing, print advertising, or events. Your friend should develop marketing messages that align with their USP and resonate with their target market.

Place: This is where your friend will sell their product or service. They should consider whether they will sell online, in a physical store, or both. They should also consider their distribution channels, such as partnering with retailers or using e-commerce platforms.


The budget is an essential element of your friend's marketing plan. It determines how much money they can allocate to their marketing efforts and ensures they are not overspending. Your friend should consider the costs associated with each marketing tactic they plan to use, such as graphic design, printing, advertising, or event planning.

It's important to keep in mind that some marketing tactics may require a more significant investment upfront, but they can generate a higher return on investment (ROI) over time. Your friend should prioritize their marketing tactics based on their budget and potential ROI.

Marketing Calendar

The marketing calendar is a schedule that outlines when your friend will execute each marketing tactic. It ensures that their marketing efforts are organized and aligned with their business goals. Your friend should consider the timing of each tactic to ensure they align with seasonal trends, promotions, or other events.

Your friend should set goals for each marketing tactic and track their progress. This will help them understand which tactics are working and which ones need to be adjusted.

Metrics and Analysis

Metrics and analysis are essential components of any marketing plan. They help your friend measure the success of their marketing efforts and adjust their strategy accordingly. Your friend should determine which metrics they will track for each marketing tactic they use, such as website traffic, social media engagement, or sales.

Your friend should set goals for each metric and track their progress. They should analyze their data regularly to understand which tactics are working and which ones need to be adjusted. This will help your friend improve their marketing strategy over time and maximize their ROI.

Marketing Team

Your friend's marketing team is the group of people responsible for executing the marketing plan. Depending on the size of their business, the marketing team may include one person or several people.

Your friend should ensure their marketing team has the necessary skills and expertise to execute their marketing plan effectively. They should consider outsourcing some marketing tasks if their team lacks the necessary skills or bandwidth.

Marketing Ethics

Marketing ethics refer to the moral principles and values that guide your friend's marketing practices. They should ensure that their marketing efforts are honest, fair, and transparent. They should not engage in any deceptive or misleading practices that could harm their customers or damage their reputation.

Your friend should also consider how their marketing practices impact the environment and society. They should strive to use sustainable and ethical practices that minimize their impact on the planet.

Developing a marketing plan is crucial for the success of any new business. Your friend should consider all the elements discussed in this article when creating their marketing plan, from identifying their target market to measuring their ROI.

By creating a comprehensive marketing plan, your friend can maximize their marketing efforts and reach their business goals. They can differentiate their business from its competitors, attract new customers, and increase their revenue.

Remember, a marketing plan is not a one-time document. It's an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment. Your friend should review their marketing plan regularly and make changes as necessary to ensure their marketing efforts are effective and aligned with their business goals.